State Forestry Advisory Committee seeks Members, Nov. 10

A committee advising Oregon Department of Forestry staff on forest operations, projects and activities is currently seeking applications to fill two vacancies. Formed in 2001, the State Forests Advisory Committee provides input on the implementation of forest management plans in northwest and southwest Oregon. The committee represents a diverse range of forestry interests and serves as a forum to discuss agency opportunities for achieving forest management goals in these areas. The committee specifically covers issues related to ODF district annual operation plans, best operations for balancing a range of forest benefits, strategies for improving public outreach and participation, and other technical management topics. The two new members will serve three-year terms beginning in February 2016. There is one vacancy apiece for members from the environmental community and non-motorized recreation community. “This is an opportunity for Oregonians to take a seat at the table of today’s forestry conversation and provide insight and perspectives on how we are implementing forest management plans. We look forward to hosting a diverse and experienced committee in the coming months,” said Andy White, Northwest Oregon Area Director for the Oregon Department of Forestry. SFAC members attend three meetings per year and a summer field tour, and agendas are usually scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. To apply, complete a questionnaire (located on the right side bar of the SFAC page: by December 9th and submit by e-mail or mail to April Davis at the Oregon Department of Forestry at or 503-359-7426. For specific questions about the committee, please contact Andy White at 503-359-7496 or Additional SFAC background information can be found at