State Forests Advisory Committee, Oct. 27

Oregon Dept. of Forestry release – SALEM, Ore. – An Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) state forests advisory group will host a tour of forestland in the Santiam State Forest on Thursday, October 27 and meet on Friday, October 28 in Salem, and the meeting will have a virtual option via Zoom. The public is welcome at both events, hosted by the State Forests Advisory Committee (SFAC). However, RSVP is required for the forest tour. The meeting agenda will be posted at Meeting details: Forest Tour: Meets at 9 a.m. on Thursday, October 27 at the ODF facility in Lyons, 22965 North Fork Road SE, Lyons, OR 97358. Tour will visit areas in the Santiam State Forest, some affected by 2020 Labor Day fires. RSVP is needed for the forest tour so that attendees can be provided safety equipment. Tour attendees should provide their own lunch, refreshments and transportation suitable for traveling on forest roads. Please RSVP no later than 5 p.m. Tuesday, October 25 to April Sonnenberg at or 503-359-7426. SFAC meeting: The committee will meet from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, October 28, at the ODF Salem Headquarters, Tillamook Room, Building C, 2600 State St. Topics on the agenda include an 2022 accomplishment summary, revisions to state forest Implementation Plans, an update on the draft Habitat Conservation Plan and Forest Management Plan for western Oregon state forests, and updates from the Recreation, Education & Interpretation program. The public will have the opportunity to provide comment virtually or in person at the beginning of the meeting.