State Geologist concerned about HMSC expansion plans, Dec. 29

Oregon State geologist Vicki McConnell has concerns about the proposed $50 million expansion of the Hatfield Marine Science Center at Newport. The center at South Beach is in a Tsunami Zone. OSU officials plan to expand the campus with a new 100,000 square foot building. Bob Cowen, director of HMSC, agrees it is a serious risk; however, he adds that a tsunami is still a moderately low-probability event and with proper planning they could survive one. McConnell says she prefers a new building at a higher elevation, but marine officials want access to sea water. One of the planning options being considered includes a building with “blow-through” technology that would allow a wave to pass through it without destroying it. The Hatfield Marine Science Center has about 380 staff members, and the center itself attracts an estimated 3,000 visitors a day in the summer months.