State Marine Board Approves Coos Co. Projects, March 1

The Oregon State Marine Board approved $232,021.68 in state boater funds for boating facility grants to finish out the 2015-2017 biennium during their special Board meeting, held on February 27, 2017, in Salem. The following grant projects were approved: * City of Coos Bay: Empire and Eastside Parking Repairs. The Board approved $29,600 in state boater funds, combined with $7,400 in applicant cash and $723 for in-kind administration and permits for a total project cost of $37,723. * Coos County: Rooke Higgins and Rocky Point Vault Toilet replacements. The Board approved $38,000 in state boater funds to match $1,300 in applicant administration and permit costs, $10,100 in force account labor, materials and equipment for total project costs of $49,400. * Port of Bandon: Port Parking Repairs. The Board approved $7,894.35 in state boater funds to match $2,631.45 in applicant cash for a total project cost of $10,525.80. * Port of Coos Bay: Charleston Parking Repairs. The Board approved $27,431.25 in state boater funds to the Port’s $9,143.75 for administration, labor, materials and cash for a total project cost of $36,575. To view the staff report with complete details for each grant, visit