On November 29, thousands of Oregon residents will cap a weekend of thanksgiving and holiday cheer by celebrating their favorite nonprofit organizations and contributing millions of dollars to worthy causes. #OregoniansGive — the daylong celebration of generosity and statewide movement built on the message of #GivingTuesday — will highlight the positive work underway by hundreds of locally-based organizations and encourage all citizens to do their part to help develop a brighter future for communities in every corner of Oregon. “Generosity is a key characteristic of all Oregonians,” said Agnes Zach, Executive Director, Willamette Valley Development Officers (WVDO). “#OregoniansGive lets us a shine a light on all of the amazing work that’s been done throughout the year by these groups. It also gives one final opportunity before the year comes to a close for individuals to make a positive impact on the causes and groups that they personally support.” Bringing together nonprofit organizations from every county in Oregon, #OregoniansGive is designed around the notion that a rising tide raises all boats. By working together to shine a light on the incredible work being done in all sectors — from environmental groups to social organization to educational nonprofits and healthcare groups to name a few — all nonprofits across the state benefit from greater exposure and awareness. To date, hundreds of nonprofits have signed on to take part in the day of giving. Most groups will raise funds throughout the day to support a specific end-of-year project or goal. Participating groups will also join in a variety of events and activities planned across Oregon and share their experiences across social media. For additional information on #OregoniansGive, please visit our website: www.OregoniansGive.org. How to Sign Up Your Nonprofit – Nonprofits interested in joining #OregoniansGive can sign up for free and receive more information online at www.OregoniansGive.org. The website offers a variety of resources at no cost to help aid in #OregoniansGive and #GivingTuesday planning, as well as recommendations on how to fold this event into end-of-year giving. About #GivingTuesday – Started in 2012, #GivingTuesday is a global movement that lends balance to the focus on shopping and buying fueled by the deals offered on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The social media-driven event encourages charities, families, businesses, students and individuals to celebrate generosity and give to the organizations that make an impact in their community. Since its launch, #GivingTuesday has raised millions of dollars for tens-of-thousands of organizations. About #OregoniansGive – Following a rousing success in 2014, organizers of #PDXGives expanded their efforts to connect all nonprofits across the state of Oregon for the annual #GivingTuesday day of generosity. #OregoniansGive celebrates all contributions from every resident — from born and bred natives to recent transplants — that make the state of Oregon what it is today and open the door for a brighter future. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates.