City of Coos Bay release – HPS Public Meeting – In the coming months, the City endeavors to complete a Coos Bay “Housing Production Strategy” (HPS). The HPS will identify Coos Bay land use regulation changes and new programs for housing development and rehabilitation for the expansion of housing opportunities for households of all income levels. In late 2022, over an eight-week period, many community members participated in an on-line questionnaire regarding their housing experiences and suggestions. This community feedback was included in the draft HPS. There is still time to participate in the HPS effort. The Planning Commission’s March meeting includes a public hearing on the HPS to share your comments. The draft HPS will be available for review on or before Tuesday, March 7, 2023, on the City website at You are invited to review the draft and participate in the Planning Commission public hearing on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 6 p.m. in the Coos Bay City Council Chambers located at 500 Central Avenue in Coos Bay. The City Council will also hold a public hearing on the draft and consider the Planning Commission recommendation on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. For questions or comments, contact Carolyn Johnson at or 541-252-2861.