CBPL release – The Coos Bay Police Department (CBPD) arrested a Coos Bay man, served a search warrant, and recovered suspected stolen property at a Coos Bay home following a burglary investigation. CBPD officers received a report of a burglary at a local business on June 4, 2023. The business provided investigating officers with a detailed list of stolen property and surveillance footage during the burglary. A suspect was later identified as Nicholas Campbell, 25 years old, of Coos Bay. Officers applied for and were granted a search warrant for a home associated with Mr. Campbell in the 300 block of S. Wasson St. in Coos Bay. On June 8, 2023, at 8:00 a.m., CBPD officers served a search warrant at the home on S. Wasson St. During the search, officers recovered suspected stolen property, including tools, credit card readers, and military radios, but did not find Mr. Campbell in the home. Mr. Campbell was later arrested at the Coos County Courthouse after appearing in court on an unrelated matter on CBPD charges of burglary in the second degree and theft in the first degree. Addressing criminal activity and holding those who are responsible accountable is a priority for CBPD. This is the fourth search warrant conducted by our officers in about the last 30 days. We encourage our citizens to document specific information about their property, such as descriptions and item serial numbers. In the event your home is burglarized, or your property is stolen, officers are better able to identify your property and potentially return it to you. The Coos Bay Police Department was assisted during this investigation by the Oregon State Police.