CBPL release – Adults and children of all ages are invited to a family-friendly hiking day at South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve on Saturday, July 23 from 10:00am-11:30am. Come for a walk in the woods and explore the flora and fauna on some of South Slough Reserve’s most popular trails. You can hike the many trails at the Reserve at your own pace or join a guided tour of a two-mile loop. The two-mile loop is well maintained and relatively level. Afterwards, stop by the Visitor Center for a tasty frozen treat. Attendees may come directly to the Reserve or pre-register for free transportation from the Coos Bay Public Library by July 15. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, and bring plenty of water and snacks. This event will happen rain or shine. Most trails are not well-suited for strollers. The program being offered as part of the Coos Bay, Bandon, and North Bend Public Library’s annual Summer Reading Program as well as South Slough Reserve’s ongoing Summer Series program. During the summer, local libraries offers both a reading challenge and programming for all ages which encourage people to read, learn, connect and explore the outdoors. Located five miles south of Charleston at the south end of the Coos Bay Estuary, South Slough Reserve is one of 29 areas in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. This reserve is managed in partnership by the Oregon Department of State Lands and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. South Slough Reserve is protected for long-term research, water-quality monitoring, education, and coastal stewardship. Education Staff at the Reserve offer naturalist led outdoor education both at the South Slough and throughout the community. For more information on Summer Reading activities or the Reading Challenge at the Coos Bay Library, visit the Coos Bay Public Library’s website at www.coosbaylibrary.org, call (541) 269-1101 x 236 or email Jennifer Knight at jknight@coosbaylibrary.org. For information about the North Bend Public Library’s Summer Reading Program, visit the North Bend Public Library or call (541) 756-0400; to sign up for the Bandon Summer Reading Program or ongoing programs contact (541) 347-3221.