Four Coos County Law enforcement agencies worked together as part of the Southern Oregon Coast DUII Task Force to crack down on impaired drivers during superbowl. Police officers from Coos Bay P.D; North Bend P.D.; Coquille P.D; and Coos County Sheriff’s Office patrolled the streets in search of impaired drivers on February 2nd resulting in (2) DUII arrests, and (5) warrant arrests resulting from traffic stops.  Law Enforcement Officers throughout Oregon participated in this nationwide effort to reduce the number of impaired drivers on city streets, and state and county highways. The main purpose for reducing the number of  impaired drivers is to save lives. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 9,878 people were killed in DUII related crashes in 2011.  The Southern Oregon Coast DUIII Task Force has joined forces with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Oregon Impact, along with Coos County, and other local law enforcement partners in conducting the campaign against impaired driving, which featured high visibility enforcement, combined with a variety of outreach activities, including a multi million dollar national advertisement, and media campaign.  For more information about Impaired driving, visit or