SWOCC Retreat By The Lake XVII – June 19 & 20, 2015, June 19

Southwestern Oregon Community College presents Retreat by the Lake XVII, the annual training conference for child care providers and early childhood education professionals on Friday and Saturday, June 19-20, 2015, at the Hales Center for the Performing Arts on the Coos campus, 1988 Newmark Ave., Coos Bay. “Play Talk, Sing, Read” Retreat by the Lake XVII, will offer up to seventeen hours of professional training in childhood care and education, including “Set Two” level training that has been approved by the Oregon Registry’s Pathways for Professional Recognition, Portland State University. The fun begins at 8:30 a.m. on Friday morning June 19, 2015 with “Play as the Core Curriculum” featuring Rebecca Tree, Gina Dusenberry and Younghee Kim. Participants should bring an oversized tee shirt and scissors to make their own super-hero cape, as well as a sack lunch and comfortable clothes. Friday night offerings are Increasing Quality Training (IQT) for Coos and Curry child care providers; or Darkness to Light – Stewards of the Children, offered by the Hope Center and is open to all attendees. Saturday’s keynote speaker, Dori Randall will present an exploration of pop culture learning theories throughout time. “Riding the Education Bandwagon” will feature a history of teaching styles and learning theories, from bohemian flower child to the button-down three-piece environment, to the social scientific or mainstream culture in our society. Randall will discuss the current “Whole Child Theory” and demonstrate a variety of fun ways to deliver art and music as a complement to your curriculum. The $100 conference fee includes dormitory lodging, Friday lunch and dinner, and Saturday’s breakfast, lunch and snacks. Scholarships or reimbursements are available to Child Care Division licensed providers and certified center staff through the Oregon Statewide Scholarship Program. Family home providers, DHS-listed exempt providers, or school and center staff are invited to apply for local professional development funds, if they do not qualify for the statewide scholarship program. All participants will receive a bag with free quality early childhood early literacy books and items from Barefoot Books and/or Treehouse Books courtesy of grant funding from the Oregon Education Investment Board. Retired community members may attend the Friday night session at no cost. All inquiries are welcome. For registration and conference information, please contact CARE Connections at 541-888-7957; Toll-free 1-800-611-7555; or by Email: ccr&r@socc.edu. Link to conference brochure & registration form: http://www.socc.edu/careconnections.