CBPL release – Beginning Friday, October 14, the Coos Bay Library will be offering Take and Make Pumpkin Painting Kits geared towards children ages 0-18. Each kit will contain a free Mahaffy Ranch pumpkin, an assortment of acrylic paint samplers and a small paint brush. Kits can then be taken home and used. Supplies are limited; kits will be available for pick-up at the Library during regular operating hours. In addition to the kit, kids 0-18 are invited to participate in a pumpkin painting contest. Photos of entries may be sent to jknight@coosbaylibrary.org or be brought to the library prior to October 29. Participants who want help taking a picture of their creation can call Jennifer at (541) 269-1101 x236 to set up a time for library staff to photograph pumpkins at the library. Photos may be shared by the library on social media. All pumpkin photos entered in the contest must be painted. Prizes will be awarded for the spookiest pumpkin, most literary, and original creation. Winners will be notified by email or phone. For additional information regarding current services being offered by the Coos Bay Public Library please contact the library by calling (541) 269-1101 or by visiting us online at http://coosbaylibrary.org.