Tall Fir, June 10

The very first NCAA champion men’s basketball team came from the University of Oregon. That team was known as the “Tall Firs” who beat Ohio State University in the title game. Coos County has a “Tall Fir” of its own in fact it is the tallest Douglas Fir in the world. The “Doerner Fir,” named after a former Douglas Co. Commissioner, is located on BLM land in eastern Coos County. Discovered in 1989 by Hank Williams, it is believed to be between 450 to 500 years old, and is 327-feet and three-inches tall. It has a diameter of 11.5-feet at its base. Directions to its location can be accessed through the BLM website, or William L. Sullivan’s book “100 Hikes Oregon Coast & Coast Range.”