CBPL release – Teens 14-19 can learn how to eat well on a budget in a practical, two-part cooking program offered the last two Fridays in February (February 17 and 24) from 2:00-4:00pm at the Coos Bay Public Library. During the program, participants will talk through how to meal plan and cook a dish. All participants will receive ingredients for the recipes served to take home and re-create for their families. Parents or caregivers are welcome to attend with their teens. All participants will receive a free electric skillet after attending both sessions. Pre-registration is required. This free event will be held at the Coos Bay Public Library in the Myrtlewood Room. Any registration questions or questions about the program should be directed to Nicole Wells at Nicole.wells@oregonstate.edu. The program is being offered by the Oregon State University Extension Service. Oregon State University Extension Service partners with local communities to provide trusted expertise and science-based knowledge to address critical issues and help every Oregonian thrive. The Coos County Extension Office is based in Myrtle Point and offers a wide range of programming throughout the year for all ages, including outreach with the Food Hero program, food preservation, gardening, and support for 4-H. The program is made possible through funding from OSU Extension, the BEET Consortium, and the Coos Bay Public Library. For more information on library programs visit the Coos Bay Public Library’s website at www.coosbaylibrary.org, call (541) 269-1101 x 236 or email Jennifer Knight at jknight@coosbaylibrary.org.