BACC release – The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce with its 500-member strong community of businesspeople and community members supports the Coos County Public Safety Levy that will be on the ballot in May. It’s no secret that Coos County has a problem with crime, and our accountability system is underfunded. The Coos County Jail is currently not operating at full capacity with only 1/3rd of the jail beds available. Additionally, the DA’s Office is understaffed by two deputy district attorney positions leading to a backlog of over 1,400 cases that are still awaiting trial. If they do not hire at least two new deputy district attorneys, this backlog is predicted to get worse, not better, further limiting the ability of the public safety sector of Coos County to work effectively. Public safety is a concern for us all, it is not just the business community that is affected by crime and threats to our public safety, but our citizens as well. We all need to stand up for our community and face the challenges our county is having in being able to provide a safe place to live and work in Coos County. In Coos County we are currently paying the 2nd LOWEST amount in taxes per $1,000 assessed property value in the entire state. The State Average tax rate for homeowners in counties is currently at $3.51 per $1,000. Currently, only $1.08 per $1,000 goes into Coos County’s ENTIRE Budget. The County is proposing a five-year operating local option levy of $.98 per $1,000 of assessed value beginning in fiscal year 2024-2025. For example, a home worth $200,000 would pay $16.33 a month. 100% of the levy dollars will be dedicated to the jail and DA’s office to prosecute criminals and put them in jail for their crimes. If Coos County doesn’t pass this levy there will be many negative effects on our county and local businesses that detract from economic growth within our county. Join the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce in supporting Coos County’s Public Safety Levy by voting YES on Ballot Measure 6-213.