Threat to VCB Funding, July 15

During the Coos Bay City Council meeting tonight, Tuesday, July 15, Mayor Crystal Shoji will present a proposal to reduce the amount of funds the city provides to the Coos Bay – North Bend Visitor’s Convention Bureau (VCB) and utilize it instead to promote the city itself.  The VCB promotes the region, but Mayor Shoji feels Coos Bay needs to promote itself as well. According to her proposal, “The City would like to provide more focus on the urban ambiance.  The City could then utilize a portion of the funds that they contribute to promote Coos Bay or the greater Bay Area as a hub centered on and around the Bay.”  According to figures provided by VCB Board Chair Joseph Monahan, “The VCB is funded by 2/7th of the lodging tax revenue paid by visitors each year. 5/7th is retained by the cities providing much needed revenue. The breakdown is as follows:  City of Coos Bay: Contributes $140,000 to the VCB while retaining $350,000; Coquille Indian Tribe: Contributes $72,300 while retaining $180,750; City of North Bend: Contributes $27,500 while retaining $68,750.”  Another option offered in the Mayor’s proposal falls on the VCB to shift its focus and “provide tasks and timeline for presentation of new concepts, images, advertising, and other promotion along with tasks for timelines for their implementation.”  The VCB’s executive director Katherine Hoppe sent out an email over the weekend calling attention to the proposal and asking VCB supporters to attend the 7 p.m. meeting.  The proposal is near the end of the agenda.