Tomato: an Exhibition of Works by Kelle Herrick at Coos Art Museum, Dec. 12

Starting on December 12, Coos Art Museum will feature Tomato an exhibition of photography, photo-collage and construction art by Bandon, Oregon artist Kelle Herrick. Along with evocative two-dimensional photography and photo-collage works the artist will display a series of handmade books, paper puppets, shoji screens and flags. Much of her work uses the bird as subject and metaphor. To quote Herrick, “Bird watching and bird photography instills a heightened awareness of the fragility and breathtaking beauty of this world we so fleetingly inhabit. Birds are beautiful and interesting creatures, and they lead fascinating lives.” Herrick who was trained in printmaking and traditional Japanese Sumi-e ink painting turned her attention of wildlife photography in 2006. In 2012 her work Quail Walnuts was selected by “National Geographic Magazine” for one of the 100 Best Wildlife Pictures of the year. She has also received top awards from the Oregon Birding Association, Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest and Oregon Wild Photography Contest. A free public opening reception will take place from 5pm until 7pm on December 12 and all are invited to attend and meet the artist.