ODOT release – SALEM — The Oregon Transportation Commission will meet Thursday, July 14, at 9 a.m. in the Gail Achterman Conference Room of the Transportation Building, 355 Capitol St. N.E., in Salem. A remote option for participating in the meeting is available. Agenda items include: Interstate Bridge Replacement Project: Hear an update on program activities and provide input on the recommended Modified Locally Preferred Alternative. The program is currently seeking endorsement of the recommended Modified LPA from the partner agencies. Urban Mobility Office: Receive an update on progress of core projects outlined in the Urban Mobility Strategy, including the I-205 Improvements Project, the Oregon Toll Program, the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project, and the Westside Multimodal Improvements Study. OReGO/Road User Charge: Hear an update on the OReGO road usage charge program, an element of the ODOT Strategic Action Plan. National EV Infrastructure Program: Receive an update on ODOT’s $100 million commitment to electric vehicle charging and the federal Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program. The agenda and meeting materials are available on the OTC Website. How to watch or listen to the meeting – Join via YouTube Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/c/OregonDOT; (closed captioning provided), or listen only by phone: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833, webinar ID: 829 7831 6786. Link will be live on the day of the meeting. How to provide public comment: Members of the public are asked to submit written comment in advance of the meeting and sign up for real-time virtual oral public comment. To sign up, please follow this link a complete the comment form and RSVP by Tuesday, July 12, at 4 p.m. https://www.oregon.gov/odot/Get-involved/Pages/OTC_Main.aspx. Please note participation will be limited to one representative per organization. Additionally, commenters (and organizations) who are providing oral testimony to the OTC for the first time will be given priority for the limited available testimony spots. To submit written testimony or comments electronically, please use the submission form on the OTC website by Tuesday, July 12, at 4 p.m. to guarantee inclusion in the meeting packet. Comments not included in the meeting packet will be shared with commissioners after the meeting. Email written comments to OTCAdmin@odot.oregon.gov Mail comments to Oregon Transportation Commission, ATTN: Commission Assistant, 355 Capitol Street NE, MS11, Salem OR 97301.