City of Coos Bay release – Construction has begun at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1 located at 680 Ivy Avenue in Coos Bay. The City awarded the contract to McClure & Sons Inc (MSI). This construction company has over 45 years of construction experience and is very proficient in treatment plant construction in Oregon and Washington. The Treatment Plant upgrade is scheduled to take two years to complete. Over this time, MSI will be subcontracting some of the work to local contractors and suppliers such as Ferguson Waterworks, Johnson Rock Products, Knife River Materials, Reese Electric and West Coast Contractors. MSI will work with their subcontractors to construct a new secondary clarifier, a new chlorine contact chamber, install a new generator that is designed to power the entire plant during a power loss, upgrades to yard piping, and upgrades to electrical and telecommunications. Throughout the duration of construction, information will be published in the Friday Update newsletter keeping the citizenship informed of construction progress, completion of major milestones, and upcoming events.