Troll Salmon Action, April 13

ODFW release – April 12, 2022 COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of California and fishery advisors met today via a blended conference call and in person meeting and have taken the following in-season management actions related to the commercial troll Chinook salmon fishery off Oregon prior to May 16: ACTIONS TAKEN: The commercial troll salmon fishery from Cape Falcon to the Heceta Bank Line (43o 58’ 00” N), which is currently open, will continue through May 15, 2022. This area is anticipated to reopen for the period of May 21-June 12 under the PFMC regulation proposals adopted on April 12. Additional regulations apply. The commercial troll salmon fishery from the Heceta Bank Line (43o 58’ 00” N) to Humbug Mt. (currently closed) will open for the period of May 1-15. This area is anticipated to reopen for the period of May 21-31 under the PFMC regulation proposals adopted on April 12. Additional regulations apply. The commercial troll salmon fishery from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border will close effective 11:59PM on April 30. This area is anticipated to reopen on June 1 with a June quota of 800 Chinook and weekly (Thurs-Wed) limits of 50 Chinook per vessel under the PFMC regulation proposals adopted on April 12. Additional regulations apply including mandatory reporting at the end of each trip during all openings in June, July, and August. RATIONALE: These changes, along with the adopted seasons and regulations for the remainder of 2022, were preferred by industry representatives to assist in severe challenges in managing the impacts on Klamath River fall Chinook and lower Columbia River Natural fall Chinook. These changes will provide the mix of commercial troll opportunity for the 2022 season that are anticipated to provide the best mix of time on the water and harvest rates. Seasons for the salmon fishery management year from May 16, 2022 through May 15, 2023 have been adopted by the PFMC and now await final approval by the US Dept. of Commerce. The PFMC adopted seasons will be available on-line at the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife’s Ocean Salmon Management page at and at the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s website at