Tsunami Preparedness Presentation at Egyptian, Nov. 5

The Surfrider Chapter is sponsoring a presentation titled “Tsunami likelihood in our lifetime, and what we can do to prepare” By expert Pat Corcoran. Date: November 5th at 7pm; Location: The Egyptian Movie Theater; Cost: FREE. Join the Coos Bay Surfriders for a riveting talk with Pat Corcoran, a north coast surfer and OSU Sea Grant Extension agent. Pat will talk about what folks need to know to be earthquake and tsunami savvy. Find out the odds of having the Big One in your lifetime, and where you need to evacuate to, and how to be prepared here in the Coos Bay area.You might be surprised. Local knowledge does not end at the waterline! A special thanks to the Coos Bay Surfriders for sponsoring and organizing this presentation. To learn more about this free event, please contact: Annie Pollard; Volunteer Coordinator; Coos Bay Surfrider Chapter; Phone: (503)510-1776; Email: Annie@7devilsbrewery.com