OPRD release – Water once again flows at the historic tubs at Tub Springs State Wayside, but now as a feature and not a source of drinking water. Water to the historic drinking water tub was shut off in January due to water quality concerns. The Oregon Health Authority ordered the tubs closed to the public due to high turbidity. After its analysis, Oregon Health Authority changed the water’s classification from groundwater to surface water, which means it’s not fit for drinking water without additional analysis and treatment. Changes in water quality at the springs were not a result of operations and maintenance, but are due to unknown causes. To resume potable water service would require treating the water, possibly including, but not limited to enhanced filtration and chlorination. To maintain visitor safety, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department modified the water feature so it continues to flow but not as a drinking source. “We wanted to preserve the experience of watching water run through these historic tubs while also preserving visitor safety,” said Nathan Seable, manager for OPRD’s Valley of the Rogue Management Unit. The wayside is located along Green Springs Highway 66 about 20 miles southeast of Ashland. Jackson County currently maintains the wayside through an intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. For general information about the park, contact Steve Lambert, Jackson County Roads and Parks director at (541) 774-6238.