U.S. 20 Sheep Creek Bridge reopens to travel, Sept. 15

Traffic is moving again on U.S. 20 over the Sheep Creek Bridge, 26 miles east of Sweet Home at milepost 56.6. The roadway was completely closed on August 2 repairs to the bridge and abutments that required the removal of the eastern-most span. The bridge’s eastern abutment rests on an active slide with earth movement measured at six to seven inches a year. The bridge was built to move with the slide, but had reached the point that it had to be replaced. The new bridge span and abutment are built to ride on top of the slide if it keeps moving. This will make impact to the bridge more consistent and predictable, and therefore, more manageable. In 2015 during phase one of the two-part project, 50-foot steel piles were placed to redirect landslide activity away from the bridge. Phase two was done to construct landslide mitigation to slow movement of the landslide and construct an abutment that can be maintained if the movement continues. It also reconstructed the east span of the bridge. “We are just as thrilled as travelers that Wildish Construction Company, the contractor, was able to complete the bridge work and reopen the roadway in six weeks.” said Steve Schultz, Oregon Department of Transportation Project Manager. “This project should provide a safer and more maintainable bridge for years to come. We appreciate everyone’s understanding that the roadway had to be closed to get the work done.” While the bridge work is completed, travelers should expect to see construction crews completing additional work surrounding the bridge through October. This will require lane closures with flaggers during the daytime hours. The $1.4 million project was funded by state and federal dollars. Delta Construction Company of Eugene was the contractor on phase 1, and Wildish Construction Company of Eugene is the contractor on phase 2. For more information, including videos on the project, go to https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/REGION2/Pages/US-20-Sheep-Creek-Bridge-Phases-1-and-2–.aspx