ODVA release – The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs will honor all veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces on Veterans Day, Nov. 11 at 11:00 a.m. during its Statewide Veterans Day Ceremony this year in view of the Oregon State Capitol Building. This event will feature remarks by dignitaries and special guests along with ceremonial elements including color guard, singing of the national anthem, laying of the wreath, and the playing of “Taps.” The celebration will honor Oregon veterans of all eras and will be hosted at the Oregon State Capitol Park located on Court Street Northeast in downtown Salem — directly in front of the Oregon State Capitol Building. The event is open to the public and uncovered seating will be provided for attendees. Accessible pathways and seating areas for those needing accommodations will also be provided. Attendees are reminded to plan accordingly for Oregon weather. For those unable to attend, the event will also be livestreamed on ODVA’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/odvavet. If you have any questions about this event, please contact ODVA at (800) 692-9666 or visit www.oregon.gov/odva.