The City of North Bend is currently accepting applications to fill immediate vacancies on Citizen Boards, Committees, or Commissions. Committees with vacancies and their descriptions are listed below. Budget Committee – The Budget Committee is comprised of the City Council plus six North Bend residents who volunteer their time to review the budget and make recommendations for further action; through their thoughtful engagement, the City’s budget process remains open and transparent. Three-year term; meetings outlined in the annual Budget Calendar. Parks and Recreation Committee – Nine-member advisory committee that evaluates existing and proposed parks, playgrounds, community center, and other public areas over which the City has jurisdiction and makes a recommendation to the council or planning commission concerning the location, character, improvement, creation, acquisition, beautification, use or abandonment of such areas or facilities. Three-year term; meets as called by the Board Chair. North Bend Public Library Board – Determine the library’s policy, promote its services, and secures adequate funds for carrying on its work. The North Bend Public Library’s mission is to provide library materials and services that inform, educate, inspire, and entertain. One appointee of the library board may, at any time, reside in Coos County within the boundaries of School District 13 but outside the city limits of North Bend. Seven-member board; four-year term; meets second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. Planning Commission – This group recommends proposed changes to the text of the City’s Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan and the City’s adopted Zoning and Comprehensive Plan maps. This group reviews and approves special use applications, variances, and proposed subdivisions. Four-year term; must be a registered voter in the City of North Bend; meets third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. North Bend City/Coos-Curry County Housing Authority – The North Bend City Housing Authority Board of Commissioners oversees the Housing Authority’s policies. The Executive Director drafts policy according to HUD and Fair Housing regulations, which is then presented to the Board for approval. Four-year term; meets fourth Tuesday of each month at the Housing Authority Office. North Bend Main Street – Board of Directors consists of 11 members dedicated to serving the central downtown business district and supporting the local community. Our Board members serve a two-year term and develop and execute the Main Street Work Plan, fundraising and grant opportunities, and downtown projects and events. Visitor Information Center – If you love North Bend and want to share your knowledge with our visitors, this may be the opportunity for you. Our Visitor Information Center is seeking residents interested in sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for North Bend with our visitors. As a volunteer in the Visitor Center, you will meet and greet visitors and provide details on area activities, accommodations, events, and other information of interest to our visitors. Volunteer hours are flexible. To apply, please fill out the application form post at Or for more information, please call 541-756-8178.