Oregon Secretary of State release – Vote By Mail continues to capture the attention of the nation in advance of this Presidential election year. Concerns over the United States Postal Service (USPS) operations was the latest spike in news this month. Fortunately, Oregon has over two decades of experience working with our local partners at USPS and has an excellent working relationship with them to ensure ongoing support for our elections. We will, of course, continue to work with them and monitor any potential impact to both the mailing out of ballots to voters and the return of ballots. The USPS has told us that Oregon should have “sufficient time for voters to receive, complete, and return their ballots by the state’s Election Day return deadline.” If any Oregon voter is concerned about the upcoming election in November, there are multiple steps they can take to ensure their ballot is received in time to be counted. Every ballot envelope has a unique barcode so voters can track their ballot on our My Vote website. We also encourage voters to take advantage of the hundreds of conveniently located dropsites throughout the state to drop off their ballot in person. We will continue to work with our partners like county clerks across the state to make sure all Oregonians know the best options to return their ballots, whether it’s through the mail or in secure drop boxes to meet election deadlines.