ODF release – SALEM, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Forestry invites you to a virtual meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 7, to learn about forest management planning for state forestlands west of the Cascades. This meeting is open to the public and primarily intended for those with an interest in management of Oregon’s state forests. RSVP is requested. This meeting will provide updates on the Forest Management Plan (FMP), the Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process focused on that HCP. As part of our public engagement process, we invite you to this meeting to hear updates on the Western Oregon State Forests management planning efforts and ask questions. The meeting will be an opportunity to: Learn about the FMP development process; Hear updates on the Western Oregon State Forests HCP; Hear updates on the HCP NEPA process; This meeting is one of many anticipated future opportunities to engage in state forests planning and is meant to provide an update to the process. Date and time: Tuesday, Feb. 7 from 1-4 p.m. The meeting will include: 1 – 3 p.m.: Background information, process updates, presentations, and an opportunity for Questions & Answers discussion. 3 – 4 p.m.: An informal discussion period to provide participants with an open discussion on any topics presented during the meeting. Where: Virtual only by Zoom or call-in. We ask that you join the meeting a few minutes early to troubleshoot any issues and to ensure the meeting starts on time. View the meeting instructions, tips, and protocols. To view and participate in the meeting, go to: https://odf.zoom.us/j/94877694967 Use computer audio or call-in from your phone using the following call-in information: Dial: 1 (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID: 948 7769 4967; Meeting Recording: A post-meeting recording will be posted on the ODF YouTube channel. Background: State Forests are sustainably managed to provide social, economic, and environmental benefits to all Oregonians. In October of 2020, the Board of Forestry (BOF) directed the State Forests Division to begin the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the draft Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and continue developing an associated Forest Management Plan (FMP). These parallel planning processes have been closely coordinated to ensure alignment and consistency in management goals, objectives, and strategies. ODF recognizes that public engagement is a key element in developing an HCP and FMP that reflect the values of all Oregonians, and is committed to providing information and engaging in dialogue with those who have an interest in these important planning efforts.