Two Westview High School teams faced off in the final round of the 27th Annual Bonneville Power Administration Regional Science Bowl. Westview 1 went undefeated during the double-elimination tournament taking first place over Westview 2. This is the fifth consecutive win for teams from Westview High School. The winning team receives an all-expenses paid trip to Washington D.C. to compete in the national finals sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. While Westview 1 moves on to the national competition, they and second and third place finishers, Westview 2 and Sunset High School’s Team 1 respectively, all qualify for scholarships from 17 universities and colleges in the Northwest. BPA and their science bowl volunteers have worked over the years to establish partnerships with the schools to offer members of the top three teams a chance at more than $300,000 in scholarships. Sixty-two teams, including Marshfield & North Bend, from public and private high schools across western Washington and Oregon, competed at the University of Portland in the fast-paced, round-robin competition. The BPA Regional Science Bowl is the largest regional science bowl in the nation. The event challenges students’ knowledge in all aspects of science including math, geology, chemistry, physics and environmental science.