You can help blind pedestrians get there safely every day – ODOT release – SALEM — Every year on Oct. 15 we are reminded of pedestrian safety awareness for people traveling on Oregon roads who are blind or have low vision. White Cane Safety Day was established by Congress in 1964 to raise awareness of what white canes mean and encourage safer travel and transit. Although most people who are visually impaired don’t use white canes, it’s estimated that over 100,000 Oregonians live with a visual disability and can be at more risk of a deadly crash involving people driving. We encourage drivers to learn more about pedestrian safety. Look out for visually impaired pedestrians who use sighted guides, white canes and guide dogs. Blind people often take extra care and precautions to navigate roads safely. Every trip out of the house is calculated, incorporating research on traffic patterns, navigation apps and bright clothes. Despite their preparation, they rely on drivers seeing them, understanding what a white cane or guide dog means, and following the law. Blind pedestrians face safety challenges when crossing at intersections, walking past drivers who are backing up, and failing to hear a silent or quiet car. Drivers should be extra patient and careful for the safety of these vulnerable road users. Oregon law states: “A driver approaching a pedestrian who has limited vision or a pedestrian who is blind or deaf-blind, who is carrying a white cane or accompanied by a dog guide, and who is crossing or about to cross a roadway, shall stop and remain stopped until the pedestrian has crossed the roadway” (ORS 811.035). If a person crossing the street has a white cane or guide dog, all people driving need to wait for the blind person to cross to the other side of the street and is out of the roadway before they proceed.