Wild Rivers Land Trust Film presentation at NBPL, March 5

At 6:30 pm on Thursday, March 5, the North Bend Public Library welcomes the Wild Rivers Land Trust as they present Klamath, a film by Aaron Moffitt. Klamath shows the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion, one of the few remaining ancient coniferous forests. The Klamath-Siskiyou region is the subject of a proposal to create the Ancient Forest National Park, which would straddle the Oregon/California border. The Wild Rivers Land Trust works to preserve wild rivers in Southern Oregon, from the Tenmile Lakes to the Oregon/California border. In April, WRLT will return with Run Wild Run Free: 50 Years of Wild and Scenic Rivers, a documentary celebrating fifty years of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968. For more information about this and other library programs, please contact the North Bend Public Library at 541-756-0400 or see our website at http://northbendoregon.us/library.