ODF release – LEBANON, Ore. (Aug. 1, 2023) – Firefighters from Oregon Department of Forestry’s South Cascade Sweet Home Unit, Lebanon Fire District and surrounding mutual aid partners responded to the Sodaville Cutoff Fire and stopped the fire’s progress at an estimated 39 acres. The fire was reported at 1:45 p.m. and one mile northwest of Sodaville. ODF crews responded in mutual aid to assist the Lebanon Fire District. Due to the fire potential and multiple structures being threatened, firefighters provided a strong initial attack, including seven engines, one tender, one dozer, one air attack aircraft and one helicopter. Crews had the fire controlled by 3:00 p.m. “Because of how close this fire was to homes and the fire activity we were seeing, we provided a strong initial attack,” said South Cascade District Forester Chris Cline. “We provided a unified command with the Lebanon Fire District to contain this fire quickly to protect public safety and forest resources. This is another great example of the public partnerships we have in place to protect all Oregonians.” Firefighters are currently conducting mop-up operations to ensure the fire stays within the fire’s perimeter. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Warm and dry conditions make the landscape more at risk for wildfire, which is why public participation in wildfire prevention is so important. With the district in “High” fire danger, Oregonians should check their local fire restrictions before lighting any fireworks, operating an engine-operated machine, or starting a campfire. “The local fire threat is approaching critical levels, and we can’t afford one more large fire on the landscape,” said South Cascade District Forester Chris Cline. “We need the community’s help to prevent fires – especially being mindful of your activities in the heat of the day.” Check public and industry fire restrictions at https://www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/pages/restrictions.aspx. For wildfire prevention tips, visit www.keeporegongreen.org. Oregon Department of Forestry South Cascade District is located at 3150 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478.