Trout Unlimited South Coast Cutthroat Chapter presents Winter Steelhead Fishing Clinic, Saturday, January 9, at 9am! ODFW Millicoma Interpretive Center, Clinic Cost is $20 or $17.50* For Any Questions, Please Contact Us: Email: or Call: 301-266-6065. Learn to Winter Steelhead Fish!! @ (West Fork) Millicoma Interpretive Center (9 miles up the West Fork Millicoma Road from Allegany. LEARN: Clothing and Gear Selection, Drift Fishing Techniques, Fly Fishing, Casting and Fish Handling and etc. There will be a morning session, a hot lunch and then feel free to get out use what you learned and FISH during the afternoon! ***If you want to fish the river, please buy a 2016 fishing license and tag before coming.****The cost for the clinic is $20 or $17.50 to join as a new member of our South Coast Cutthroat chapter.