Winter Storms Headed for Oregon, Dec. 24

Office of Emergency Management release – Salem, Ore. – Dec. 23, 2021 – Winter storms are projected to move into the Pacific Northwest over the next 7-10 days, bringing freezing temperatures, mountain and valley snow, and gusty winds. The Office of Emergency Management is urging Oregonians to reduce their risk by taking preparedness actions and following safety best practices — staying informed, being aware of surroundings, and being ready with a plan and emergency kit. “Our state has already experienced a number of weather-related emergencies this year, emphasizing the importance of taking action now to be prepared for what’s next,” said OEM Deputy Director Matt Marheine. “Winter storms mean increased risk for those traveling as well as those staying home for the holiday. It’s critical all Oregonians are empowered to do their part for themselves, their family and their community to stay safe.”  Extremely cold temperatures are predicted for next week. OEM is highlighting the need to check in on family, friends, neighbors and vulnerable populations, especially if the power goes out or roads turn icy. Oregonians should know where to call for help and save 911 for life-threatening emergencies only. For non-emergency assistance, dial *677 from a mobile phone or call 800-442-0776 in the state’s northern counties and 800-442-2068 in southern counties. If you are unsure what Oregon State Police dispatch to dial, call either one and they will assist. Dial or text 211 – or visit for health and social service assistance and general information. Dial 511 or visit for travel updates. Text-to-911 helps those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have limited speech capabilities, as well as anyone unable to talk due to an emergency, and should only be used for emergencies. “We need to look out for one another and share information to help raise awareness of ways to access resources and stay safe. Make sure you, your family and neighbors know where to go for warming shelters or how to safely stay warm if the power fails. Well-connected communities are more resilient,” said Marheine.