Oregon OSHA is accepting grant applications for the development of innovative workplace safety and health training programs. Applications are due Friday, Oct. 6. The agency, a division of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, encourages unique projects such as mobile apps, videos, or online educational games to engage workers. The training grants will focus on programs that target a high-hazard Oregon industry, such as construction or agriculture, or a specific work process to reduce or eliminate hazards. Any employer, labor group, school affiliated with a labor group, or nonprofit organization may apply. Applicants may request up to $40,000 per grant project. Employers are not allowed to use grants to pay for training for their employees. Materials produced by grant recipients become the property of Oregon OSHA. They are housed in the Oregon OSHA Resource Center and are available to the public for checkout from the library. Some examples of past grant projects include:  Development of safe-lifting guidelines; Spanish-language flip charts designed to help prevent heat-related illness among forest workers; An educational program for nurses to prevent ergonomic-related injuries. The Oregon Legislature launched the Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training Grant Program in 1990. Award recommendations are made by Oregon OSHA’s Safe Employment Education and Training Advisory Committee, a group with members from business, labor, and government. Grant application information is available at http://osha.oregon.gov/edu/grants/Pages/default.aspx. For more information, contact Teri Watson at 503-947-7406 or teri.a.watson@oregon.gov.