On September 25 at 2:00 PM, the North Bend Public Library and the Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative will cohost a workshop on Medicare Enrollment. This workshop is part of our monthly series “Modern Life Skills for Older Adults.” Tilyne Godinez of AAA/SCBED and Jodi Delsere of Willamalane Park and Recreation District will discuss the necessary steps for enrolling in Medicare. They will also answer questions and provide further resources for individuals needing additional assistance navigating Medicare enrollment. A resource table with related services and program materials from local organizations will be available during the program. Attendees can participate in-person or register at https://tinyurl.com/8mfd54h3 to attend via Zoom. For more information about this event, contact the library at (541) 756-0400 or email nbservices@northbendlibrary.org.