NBPL release – On Tuesday, December 13 at 2:00 PM, the North Bend Public Library will be partnering with Waterfall Community Health Center to offer the workshop Winter Blues. This educational workshop will be led by Kayln Clinkenbeard who is a certified community health worker at Waterfall and is trained as an OPAL coach for Coos County. Kayln will be discussing OPAL: Options for People to Address Loneliness and teaching techniques for identifying and responding to the signs of seasonal depression. Because of the nature of the Winter Blues program, the NBPL will also be offering time after the program for individuals to talk privately to Kayln and set up an appointment or ask brief questions. Please join us for this event because seasonal depression is serious and should not be ignored. For more information about this event, contact the library at (541) 756-0400 or email nbservices@northbendlibrary.org.