CCSO release – Date / Time: January 27, 2023 at 09:00 a.m.; Case Number(s): S23-00835; Classification: Criminal Trespass I, Obstructing governmental or judicial administration; Location: 64710 Washington Road, Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon; Suspect(s): Chester A. Cunnington Date of Birth 04/08/1970 ; Information to be released: Over the past few months the County and Sheriff’s Office Civil Division has been working with a resident at 64710 Washington Road, Coos Bay, Oregon with respect to failure to pay over (5) years of back taxes. Chester A. Cunnington 52 years of age of Coos Bay, had been resistive to all of the County’s attempts to work out a solution. Mr. Cunnington had been residing in a makeshift residence on the property which was not fit as a human dwelling. In early January, Mr. Cunnington made it clear he would not cooperate with the County or the Civil Division of the Sheriff’s Office. The County was granted a “Writ of Assistance,” to have the Sheriff’s Office assist with removing Mr. Cunnington from the property. On that date Mr. Cunnington was not home, however bomb making materials were found on his property and inside the makeshift residence. Ultimately the Oregon State Police Bomb Squad had to be called to the location to dispose of the potentially dangerous items. During this time Mr. Cunnington arrived at the property on Washington Road and was served with evection paperwork. Mr. Cunnington advised he understood and vacated the property at this time. Over the next two weeks neighbors of the property and others induvial contacted the Civil Division and the County to advise Mr. Cunnington was back on the property with all the doors and windows boarded up. Due to the potential for violence of Mr. Cunnington and the bomb making materials which were found during the prior contact it was decided the Emergency Response Team (ERT) would be utilized to safely remove Mr. Cunnington from the residence. On 01/27/2023 at 0900 hours the ERT responded to 64710 Washington Road, Coos Bay to execute a new, “Writ of Assistance,” on the property. After negotiating with Mr. Cunnington for over an hour he was successfully removed from the structure and placed into custody on the charges of Criminal Trespass in the First Degree and Obstructing governmental or judicial process. Mr. Cunnington was transported to the Coos County Jail.