ODFW release – SALEM, Ore.—ODFW and partners are hosting several turkey hunting clinics to get young hunters ready for the upcoming spring turkey season which runs April 15-May 31 statewide. The clinics are Saturday, April 1 at White River Wildlife Area in Tygh Valley and Denman Wildlife Area in Central Point and held in cooperation with partners Oregon Hunters Association (both state and local chapters) and Celilo Bowmen. Spring turkey is a great opportunity for new hunters because turkeys are plentiful, seasons are long and the gear is simple. Plus, calling in a tom can be as exciting as calling in an elk. Youth who have completed hunter education can also hunt a special youth-only spring season the weekend before opening day (April 8-9, 2023). Youth ages 8 to 17 are eligible to attend the hunting clinics and must be accompanied by an adult. Hunter education certification is not required to attend the clinic. Participants will learn about all the elements of a successful turkey hunt, including turkey biology, Oregon’s turkey hunting opportunities, turkey identification, behavior, sign identification, scouting techniques and hunting tactics including proper gear and decoys. Attendees go home with the basic skills and a bit of equipment to start turkey hunting. The White River clinic also includes the chance for youth to pattern their shotgun and practice shotgun skills. Registration costs $10 and includes lunch (provide by OHA) and all needed equipment. Register online from the youth’s account at https://odfw.huntfishoregon.com/login or at a license sale agent. Look for the Class/Workshop category in the catalog.