Debris Burn Escapes, June 2

News release CFPA.  A debris burn in the Charleston area escaped control Wednesday, May 31, and burned a half acre of grass and brush. Firefighting resources from Coos Forest Protective Association (CFPA), Charleston RFD, Coos Bay Fire, and North Bend Fire responded to a fire driven by strong winds. Firefighters were able to stop the fire spread and mop up the fire by late afternoon. This is a good reminder to the public that fire season conditions are fast approaching. People burning their debris piles this time of year need to take into account weather conditions and have the necessary resources to maintain control of their burns. Always keep in mind that you are responsible for maintaining control of your burn at all times. For burning restrictions inside the city limits contact your local fire department. For more information on fire prevention you can find CFPA on the web at or on Facebook.