The Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) has requested additional information from Jordan Cove Energy L.P. regarding the Jordan Cove Energy Project removal-fill permit application. DSL has completed review of the approximately 49,000 comments submitted during the comment period for the application. The Department’s review focused on identifying substantive issues relevant to the removal-fill law. The applicant has been asked to address multiple substantive issues identified by commenters, as well as other issues identified by DSL. The Department’s request to the applicant is available here. Applicant response has been requested by May 6, 2019. The applicant may request additional time to respond. The permit decision deadline is September 20, 2019. In making a permit decision, DSL will evaluate the entire application record against the criteria for removal-fill permit issuance. Additional information about the removal-fill permit application is available on the DSL project website.