NB Planning Commission Decision, May 27

FP 2-18 & CBE 3-18, Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline, L.P. (Utility Use), PC Hearing 3/18/19. On March 18th, 2019, the City of North Bend Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on consolidated land use  applications  Case  File  Numbers  FP  2-18  and  CBE  3-18,  application  for  floodplain  development  and  estuary  management review to allow a subsurface interstate natural gas pipeline utility use in the Heavy Industrial (M-H) zone district.The Applicant presented the proposal.  Staff presented the staff report and recommended findings.  The City Planning Commission  received  written  argument,  evidence,  and  testimony  and  heard  oral public  comment  that  was  for  and  against the proposal as well as neutral to the proposal. Action: The City Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted to leave the record open to allow for the submittal of additional argument, evidence, and testimony.  On May 20th, 2019, the City Planning Commission reconvened   for deliberations and to make a final decision on the matter.  The applicant was afforded the opportunity to provide an oral summary of their final response on rebuttal.  No new argument, evidence, or testimony was accepted at this time.  Having considered the record, the City Planning Commission voted unanimously (4-0) to APPROVE the consolidated applications based on the information presented by the applicant and the responses and findings in the staff report. By signature of the City Planning Commission Chair, the proposed final order as amended by Planning Commission on May 20th, 2019 is now the official Final Order of Planning Commission in Case File Nos. FP 2-18 and CBE 3-18.  See, Planning Commission Final Order, Case File Nos. FP 2-18/CBE 3-18, available for review and download on the City’s website  at:  https://www.northbendoregon.us/pc/page/planning-commission-meeting-47.    Upon written public record request, copies of case related materials will be provided at a reasonable cost.    Criteria and Standards:  North Bend City Code (NBCC) Sections 18.60.040, Notices; 10.12.050, Article II. Transportation Impact Study; and, Chapters 18.04, General Provisions; 18.44, Heavy Industrial Zone M-H; 18.48, Floodplain Zone F-P ; 18.88, Coos Bay Estuary  Management  Plan  (Units 48-CA, 48-CS, 47-UW,  47-DA); 18.92,  Administration,  Enforcement,  and  Interpretation. Decision Criteria and Findings:In making their decision, the City Planning Commission relied upon the staff responses and findings contained within the staff report including proposed final order, the application, and the argument, evidence, and testimony presented at the public hearing and during the open record period.