On Friday, Deputies responded with Lane County Animal Services to an address in the 34400 block of Highway 58. LCAS had received complaints of malnourished animals from area residents. The owner of the animals, Raina McKenzie Ott, was known to be on probation from a 2020 conviction for 11 counts of Animal Neglect in the Second Degree in which she was sentenced to 60 months of probation. While LCAS typically does initial contact on animal neglect cases, LCSO assisted due to the likely probation violation and criminal neglect of the animals. Deputies contacted Ott at the residence and discovered several malnourished cows and emaciated companion animals living in deplorable conditions. Several decomposing cow carcasses were also found. LCAS rehoused the companion animals and is working with Ott to remove the remaining cows from the property. Possession of the cows and companion animals was in violation of her probation as well. Ott was cited in lieu of custody for Animal Neglect in the First Degree, Animal Neglect in the Second Degree, and Contempt of Court.