ODFW announces updates on Pacific halibut sportfishing season openings, April 27ODFW release – NEWPORT, Ore – The 2022 Pacific halibut sport seasons and regulations were recently adopted by the Oregon...
South Coast Striders Hike, April 26Sweet Creek Falls Hike, Saturday, Apr. 30, 2022, Registration Requested. The Hikes: The Sweet Creek/Beaver Creek area offers hikers a...
ODFW Fishing, April 252022 Recreational Halibut Fishing ODFW release – The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission finalized the 2022 recreational Pacific halibut seasons...
Quakes, April 25A 5.3-magnitude earthquake shook the inner fault line of the two that run parallel with the Oregon Coast west of...
ODFW Commission on North Coast, April 21Commission meets April 21-22 in Astoria to decide on North Umpqua hatchery summer steelhead; Hybrid meeting will also allow remote...
Quakes, April 20A 4.0-magnitde earthquake jolted the outer line of the two fault lines that run parallel with the Oregon Coast, Tuesday,...
Quake, April 19A 2.8-magnitude earthquake shook the outer fault line of the two that run parallel with the Oregon Coast Monday, April...
OSU alumna, leader of California marine science center to lead Oregon Sea Grant, April 18By Tiffany Woods, OSU release – CORVALLIS, Ore. – Karina Nielsen, the leader of a marine science center at San...
Quakes, April 18Three earthquakes were recorded at the southern end of the two fault lines that run parallel with the Oregon Coast...
Quake, April 14A 3.3-magnitude earthquake was recorded off the South Oregon Coast Wednesday, April 13. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the...