Health Advisory at Seal Rock, Aug. 11The Oregon Health Authority issued a public health advisory today for higher-than-normal levels of bacteria in ocean waters at Seal...
Bike Thieves, Aug. 10Three North Coast males have been arrested for stealing more than a dozen bicycles from visitors at Fort Stevens State...
Health advisory issued August 9 for water contact at Rockaway Beach, Aug. 10The Oregon Health Authority issued a public health advisory today for higher-than-normal levels of bacteria in ocean waters at Rockaway...
Marijuana Grow Near California Border, Aug. 10News release Curry Co. Sheriff’s Office. On 08-08-16, the Del Norte Sheriff’s Office, Oregon State Police, National Parks, Yurok Police,...
Coastal Caucus in North Bend, Aug. 10News release from Oregon Seantor Arnie Roblan (D-Coos Bay). More than 500 leaders from around the state engaged in discussions...
No. California Quake, Aug. 10A magnitude 5.1 earthquake shook Northern California early Wednesday morning, Aug. 10, near Cape Mendocino where two fault lines begin...
New Concerns over PNW Earthquakes, Aug. 10A new analysis suggests that massive earthquakes on northern sections of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, affecting areas of the Pacific...
Fatal Near Waldport, Aug. 9On August 7, 2016 at about 5:45PM OSP Troopers and emergency vehicles responded to the report of a motor vehicle...
DEQ Proposes No Further Action for the former Hoy’s Marine site in Newport, Aug. 9News release from Oregon DEQ. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is seeking comments on a proposal to issue a...
Mississippi Chef Wins Seafood Cookoff, Aug. 9A chef from Jackson, Mississippi won the 2016 Great American Seafood Cook-Off at New Orleans, LA, August 6th. Chefs from...