Quake, June 8A 2.6-magnitude earthquake shook the southern end of two fault lines that run parallel with the Oregon Coast Tuesday, June...
Farmer’s Market, June 8The Coos Bay Downtown Association’s Wednesday Farmer’s Market is today, beginning at 9 a.m., on Central Ave., between So. Broadway...
Oregon Board of Forestry, June 8The Oregon Board of Forestry will receive an update on an eight month-long review of the state’s wildfire protection program...
Coos Bay School District, June 8Below is a list of Coos Bay Public Schools Public Meetings currently scheduled for June 2016. All meetings are held...
Cape Blanco Music Festival, June 8This year’s Cape Blanco Music Festival will be the last. Organizers cited a variety of logistical problems for discontinuing the...
Cliff Rescue, June 8A member of the Curry Co. Search & Rescue Rope Team rappelled down a cliff between Brookings and Gold Beach...
Doug Newman Award Winners Announced, June 7The Oregon Recreational Trails Advisory Council (ORTAC) would like to announce the Doug Newman Memorial Award winners for 2015 and...
Douglas Co. Convict Dies in Prison, June 7An Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) inmate died unexpectedly early Monday morning at the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem. As...
Willamette River Drowning, June 7On June 5, 2016 at about 4:15PM, OSP Troopers and emergency personnel responded to the report of a swimmer who...
Kids in the Kitchen Workshop, June 7The Master Food Preservers of Coos County will hold a “Kids in the Kitchen” workshop on Saturday, June 25, from...