NB Council Work Session, Feb. 29The North Bend City Council will hold a SPECIAL work session on Monday, February 29, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. The...
Coast Guard to award prestigious life-saving medals for heroic actions on Oregon coast, Feb. 29The Coast Guard will award a Gold Lifesaving Medal and Silver Life Saving Medal during a ceremony at Station Chetco...
Trespassers arrested, Feb. 29News release CBPD. On 02/27/16 at around 1:30 PM the Coos Bay Police Department responded to a 911 call of...
Possible Homicide, Feb. 29The discovery of the body of a deceased male in a van parked at the South Jetty, Bastendorff Beach, is...
Douglas Co. Assault, Feb. 26On February 24th, at about 2:45 p.m., the Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported assault at 101 Pleasant Street, Roseburg....
ATV Accident/Rescue, Feb. 26On February 25, 2016 at approximately 11:00 am, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of an ATV injury...
Fertilize Your Mind garden seminar set for Saturday, Feb. 26Registration forms are now available for the 15th annual “Fertilize Your Mind” garden seminar set for Saturday, March 26, on...
Laker Teddy Bear Toss Benefits the Pediatric Unit and the Kids’ Hope Center at Bay Area Hospital, Feb. 26Southwestern Oregon Community College’s Junior Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Associated Student Government (ASG) will hold its first...
Spanglish! Language Swap, Feb. 26Coos Bay Public Library will be offering a New, monthly conversational program: SPANGLISH! LANGUAGE SWAP for Spanish and English speakers....
Corrections Officers set to Graduate, Feb. 26The Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) is pleased to announce the graduation of Basic Corrections Local...