Tsunami Safe Program Training for Hospitality Industry, Feb. 26The Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is bringing trainings for Tsunami Safe: Hospitality Begins with Safety, a free program...
Fiddler on the Roof, Feb. 26“FIDDLER ON THE ROOF”, a classic, family Broadway musical, is the 15th dinner theatre production of Logos Players at Gloria...
2016 Biennial Student Art Exhibit and Vision 2016 High School Art Competition, Feb. 26Coos Art Museum invites you to attend the opening reception for its 2016 Biennial Student Art Exhibit and Vision 2016...
Herring make their 2016 debut in Yaquina and Coos Bays, Feb. 26ODFW report: Pacific herring showed up in Yaquina Bay and Coos Bay in large numbers last week, which means they...
Oregon Senator Roblan Champions Loans for Septic Repairs, Feb. 26News release from Oregon Senator Arnie Roblan (D-Coos Bay) The Oregon Senate Thursday, Feb. 25, passed a bill to benefit...
Hwy. 101 Accident North of Gardiner, Feb. 26ODOT Thursday, Feb. 25, 6:02 p.m.: SW Oregon: ODOT reopened U.S. 101 three miles north of Gardiner, following a multi-vehicle...
$5.5 Million in 15-Years, Feb. 26The Coquille Tribal Community Fund awarded nearly $400,000 to qualifying non-profit organizations during a luncheon Thursday, Feb. 25, at the...
Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plantfor more information about Coos Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant visit CoosBayWastewater.com...
Ag Safety Seminar in Bandon, Feb. 23Every year, work-related injuries in U.S. agriculture cost $8.3 billion. And that figure includes only medical costs and lost productivity....
Appointments to the Oregon Cultural Trust Board, Feb. 23Gustavo Morales, a nonprofit executive from Ontario, and Niki Price, director of the Lincoln City Cultural Center, have been appointed...