Refund Money Awaiting Oregon Taxpayers, July 16Thousands of taxpayers across Oregon have tax refund money awaiting them – all they need to do is cash a...
Photography Call for Entries at BAH, July 16You are invited to participate in our photography call for entries. Bay Area Hospital is committed to integrating art into...
Awards Announced at Coos Art Museum 21st Annual Maritime Art Exhibition, July 16Two artists have been awarded top honors at Coos Art Museum’s 21st Annual Maritime Art Exhibition. “Best of Show” was...
Charleston Marina Advisory Committee, July 16The Charleston Marina Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 16, noon, at the Charleston Marina RV Park recreation room...
Tillamook Cheese VW Buses Recovered, July 16Three custom-orange painted vintage Volkswagen buses on a promotional tour in California for Tillamook Cheese, were recovered Monday night, July...
Razor clams closed July 15 on Clatsop beaches, July 16After a great season, razor clamming closed Tuesday, July 15, on the Clatsop beaches of the North Oregon Coast for...
Oregon Timber Harvest above Four Billion Board Feet for the First Time Since 2006, July 16In 2013, Oregon’s timber harvest rose to 4.2 billion board feet, marking four consecutive years of increase from the recession...
State Unemployment Rate, July 16June Job Losses offset May’s gains as the Oregon Unemployment Rate remained at 6.8%. Industry Payroll Employment (Establishment Survey Data)...
Homicide Victim Identified, July 16The body of a Hispanic male found in the back parking lot of the North Bend Community Center early Sunday...
Experience the geology of the South Coast through Geology Workshops, July 15Would you like to learn more about the geology of the Klamath and Oregon Coast Ranges and learn about our...