Paving project to begin soon on OR 58, east of Pleasant Hill, July 7Construction will begin as soon as Monday, July 7, 2014 on a project to replace pavement and guardrail on a...
Hwy. 18 Fatality, July 13The Polk County Medical Examiner confirmed positive identification of a driver killed in a June 23, 2014, on Highway 18...
Workplace Safety Training Grants Available, July 3Grant funding will be available starting July 1 to develop innovative workplace safety and health training programs. Oregon OSHA, a...
Oregon honeybee losses continue at economically unsustainable rate, OSU survey finds, July 3More than one in five commercial honeybee hives in Oregon did not survive last winter, continuing a financially challenging trend...
Safety during Independence Day Celebrations, July 3Independence Day is a day of celebration for our nation, and in 2013, it happened to be busiest day of...
Fourth of July Traffic Coverage, July 3The Oregon State Police and other law enforcement jurisdictions throughout the state are gearing up for upcoming Fourth of July...
Recreational Fishing, July 2Spring Chinook season extended on Three Rivers The spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead season on Three Rivers has been...
New study looks at food handling & preparation at home, July 2Just in time for the peak of grilling season, results of a new study show that most consumers need to...
Supreme Court Ruling Reaction in Oregon, July 2Planned Parenthood organizations in Oregon condemned the ruling by the Supreme Court that some for-profit private corporations, such as the...
Take Geology on the Trail with Mobile Maps, July 1New mobile maps put the geology of Oregon’s volcanic peaks into the hands of hikers. The Oregon Department of Geology...