North Bend

5 Tips to Avoid a Costly Winter Plumbing Leak

Plumbing problems seem to occur at the most inconvenient times — because the most inconvenient times are generally during seasons or events that put stress on your pipes. Seasonal shifts, whether related to fes...

Fall and Winter Landscape Tips

While many consider late fall and winter as a time to stay indoors, it's important to help our trees and landscape before hibernation begins. By completing some simple maintenance steps now, you will be able...

What to Know About Money When you Enter the Workforce

You’ve landed your first “real” job and steady paychecks are an actual thing. The financial freedom and comfort might feel very real as you enter the workforce, but now it’s time to really set the stage for...

The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave

Military personnel have a tremendous benefit when considering buying a home. The veteran’s administration allow lenders to offer 100% financing—that’s right NO DOWN PAYMENT. If the soldier is currently in...

Too Good To Be True?

United States Department of Agriculture offers a ZERO down payment loan.  These loans are commonly referred to as USDA guaranteed loans and are a great option for potential home buyers with little or no money f...

8 Questions to Ask Yourself When Looking for a New Job

So, you’re looking for a new job. Maybe you’re overwhelmed from your old job and want a new career, or you’re fresh out of college and don’t know where to start. Just take a deep breath, because we’re here to h...