Coos County Herbicide Cost-Share Program, May 7

It’s back! The Coos County Noxious Weed Advisory Board has worked hard over the past year to revamp the herbicide cost-share program. Overturn in the Advisory Board has created some hardship and time constraints which delayed our efforts, but the Board of Commissioners recognized the importance of this program to our county and has supported this process. Limitations on funds and personnel time made the old cost-share model unsustainable. The current Advisory Board has worked hard to retain the basic structure of the program but has also creatively reworked parts of it so that it better fits their current capacity (in terms of funding and “people time”), while still striving to meet the county-wide weed management priorities. The Coos County Noxious Weed Advisory Board is now accepting Herbicide Cost-Share Applications. This year the cost-share program will be focusing on assisting landowners with herbicides to treat noxious weeds that have been identified by Coos County as “targeted for control”, these can be found on Coos County’s official Noxious Weed List under “T”. All applications must be completed and received by 5:00 pm on May 31, 2018. Applications are available for pickup and drop off at Coos County Planning Department (225 N. Adams St. Coquille), Oregon State University Extension Office (631 Alder St. Myrtle Point) or on the website located on the County’s homepage under County Boards and Committees – Weed Board. You can also download the application from the Coos County OSU Extension website:  The cost-share program will be able to pay 50% of the cost and the applicant will be responsible for the rest. The Advisory Board is requiring successful applicants to attend one of two trainings on pesticide use and safety (June 19 or June 27 – – more information provided in the application). The Advisory Board is in the process of contracting with an herbicide vendor and will not have prices available until the training. Applicants will be notified of the cost of the requested herbicide and surfactant as well as the location and date when herbicides can be picked-up during the training. The training will be a great opportunity to learn about weed control, weed identification and safety measures when handling herbicides. Even if you don’t use herbicides the training provides an educational opportunity.